Thursday, May 7, 2015

There is no such thing as a whole blood transfusion

If you ever get a chance to talk with one of Jehovah's Witnesses about blood, make sure you know your stuff. One common error both JWs and outsiders make is that whole blood transfusions are ever an option. Their reasoning goes like this: (JW speaking) "As long as we only take fractions of blood, then we are not taking whole blood, so God must be okay with it." The problem is that any blood processed at blood distribution centers, like the Red Cross, has already had white blood cells separated from the blood before anyone can ever take it as treatment. The reason white blood cells are separated out is that they do not serve any purpose as a transfusing agent, and may also cause further complications. So, in other words, nobody in the world ever gets a whole blood transfusion with the exception of in extreme circumstances like in the middle of a battlefield where blood may actually be taken from one person to the next without being filtered or processed. But even this scenario is so incredibly rare I'd reckon that a blood transfusion of this sort has not been done on this planet in many decades. An army is usually better prepared to treat wounded than to go into battle without a healthy blood supply along with its medical battalion. So, in other words, white blood cells are never transfused and this means that whole blood transfusions are a myth. They don't exist anymore. All blood transfusion are transfusions of fractionated blood. JWs end up taking all the same blood fractions everybody else does. So what is it that they are objecting to? It turns out that they are objecting to a Straw Man set up by the Watchtower Disinformation Society.

Monday, April 20, 2015

A new place for blood transfusion news

AJWRB has ceased to be a source of direction for blood activism. Read this blog if you want to actually do something for the blood issue.